Dynamic Purchasing System for Regional Building Merchants

Organization Details

AddressThe Lancastrian Office Centre,Talbot Road
CountryUnited Kingdom

Contact Details

Phone0161 874 3149

Tender Details

Document typeTender Notice
Bidding typeSelective
Project locationUnited Kingdom
DescriptionProcure Plus are a value focused, not for profit, company that specialises in the procurement of goods and services related to both new build, repair and maintenance for a wide range of social housing organisations. Originally focused in the North West, Procure Plus are now extending their offer with the aim of delivering a service across the UK. Procure Plus wishes to establish a dynamic purchasing system for the merchant service to supply a range of goods and materials including general building, plumbing and heating and electrical products to social housing organisations across the different regions of the UK.

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://tendermanagement.launchcontrol-systems.com/register/index/174d204984

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://tendermanagement.launchcontrol-systems.com/register/index/174d204984
Contract Start27/02/2025
Contract End28/02/2025
CostSee in details
Suitable for Sme?Yes
Suitabable for Vco?No



2523 – Cements, portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate & similar hydraulic c

5904 – Linoleum; floor coverings with a coating or covering on tex backing

6809 – Articles of plaster

6810 – Articles of cement, concrete or artif. stone

6811 – Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement

6902 – Refractory bricks,blocks,tile etc&sim refractory ceram const good ne

6903 – Refractory ceramic goods nes

6904 – Ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks support/filler tiles

6905 – Roofing tiles,chimney pots,cowl etc&other ceramic constructional good

6907 – Unglazed ceram flags&paving,hearth/wall tiles; mosaic cube

6908 – Glazed ceram flags&paving,hearth/wall tiles; mosaic cube

6909 – Ceramic ware for labor.,chemical or techinal use, etc

252310 – Cement clinkers

252321 – Portland cement, white, whether or not artificially coloured

252329 – Portland cement nes

252330 – Aluminous cement (ciment fondu)

252390 – Hydraulic cements nes

441871 – Flooring panels for mosaic floors, assembled, of wood

441872 – Flooring panels, multilayer, assembled, of wood (excl. for mosaic floo

441879 – Flooring panels, assembled, of wood (excl. multilayer panels and floor

590410 – Lineoleum, whether or not cut to shape

680690 – Articles of heat/sound insulatg,etc,nes,mineral mat exc 6811&12 ch 69

680990 – Articles of plaster or compositions based on plaster nes

681011 – Building blocks and bricks of cement, concrete or artificial stone

681019 – Tiles,flagstones&similar articles of cement/concrete/artificial stone

681099 – Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone nes

681140 – Articles of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement or the like, conta

690100 – Bricks,blocks etc&ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals o sim earths

690210 – Refractory bricks etc >50% Mg,Ca o Cr expressd as MgO,CaO o Cr2O3 o mx

690220 – Refractory bricks etc >50% alumina Al2O3, silica SiO2 or mixture etc

690290 – Refractory bricks etc nes

690310 – Refractory ceramic goods nes,>50% of graphite/oth forms of carbon etc

690320 – Refractory ceram goods nes,>50% of Al2O3/mx/compds alumina/silica SiO2

690390 – Refractory ceramic goods nes

690410 – Building bricks

690490 – Ceramic flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like

690510 – Roofing tiles, ceramic

690590 – Chimney-pots,cowls,chimney liners etc&oth ceramic constructional goods

690600 – Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings

690710 – Tiles, cubes and sim <7 cm rect or not etc, unglazed ceramics

690790 – Tiles, cubes and sim nes, unglazed ceramics

690810 – Tiles, cubes and sim <7 cm rect or not etc, glazed ceramics

690890 – Tiles, cubes and sim nes, glazed ceramics

690911 – Ceramic wares laboratory,chemical/oth technicl uses of porcelain/china

690912 – Ceramic laboratory wares, hardness >9 on Mohs scale

690919 – Ceramic wares laboratory, chemical/other technical uses nes


31681410 – Electrical materials.

44111000 – Building materials

44115200 – Plumbing and heating materials

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